Monday, 9 March 2015

Vintage Caravan - Interior Clean, Prep and Prime.

What a difference two days can make...



Step 1: 'Sugar Soap' wash of walls, ceiling, cupboards.

Step 2: Remove any *bolts/hooks from surfaces that will be painted. 
Tip * Place these in a named food bag for safe keeping. You will forget where they have originally come from.

Step 3: light sand of doors and wall cupboard.

Step 4: masking tape - for any surfaces you do not wish to paint.

Step 5: seal & prime using brushes and roller (foam roller for gloss).

Step 6: light sand (fine grade sandpaper) all cupboard doors and cupboard frames.

You are now ready to paint your top coat.

Tip * Keep your tiny work space clean, tidy and organised. Maximise your work space by removing tables and foam cushions.

Products used and recommended: Zinsser BIN

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